Monday, April 18, 2016

Adding Research to Active Reading Exercise. From Mike

We will create and brainstorm a list of good research questions for today's profiles.

Do your work on the profile question that you take, and post your research findings in the Comments section here.  What did you discover?  Where did you find your best source? How does this help us understand the profile better?

See you in the Comments section below. . .


  1. What might be some common problems in a polygamous marriage? When researching this topic I found that men with a lower status would be more likely to keep the women and horde them from the younger males. Studies by the University of British Columbia show that these younger men would be more likely to cause crime rates to go up such as rape, theft, and even kill. And don't forget it is also against the law.

    1. Also within a marriage we see woman put to the side and feel bad about oneself and always competing with the other wives.

  2. 10. Each stroke is different it all depends on the part of the brain injured, how severe the injury is, and the patients general health. With this some side effects are you are very weak or paralyzed which may effect one whole side of the body or just an arm or leg. The average survival rate after a stroke is a between a year and five years.

  3. When did the Negro League begin and how did it differ from mainstream baseball?

    Due to Jim Crow laws and discrimination, blacks were not allowed to play for minor and major leagues. As a result, many of them had to form their own Negro Leagues dedicated for African-American baseball players. They would challenge those who looked down on them, and many became professional teams. In 1945, though, Jackie Robinson entered the scene, and some of the best players from the Negro Leagues were recruited into major leagues, which also led to the decline of the Negro Leagues.

    In terms of Dr. Hepcat, he also faced discrimination of the sort as well. When he spoke for the radio and was a DJ, the directors were concerned about whites tuning in to listen. In a way, this was part of the discrimination that occurred when whites would basically "mix in" with blacks during these times of those laws.


  4. I found out that the movement of using automation for broadcasting began when the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) was replaced with the EAS (Emergency Alert System) Instead of having someone say, "We interrupt this broadcast to bring you breaking news...", we know have a annoying beeping sound followed by an automated voice giving us the emergency news. This eventually lead to the dying down of the disc jokey. The radio stations realized they could use an automated system to play music through out the night. They ultimately wanted to reduce their payroll. There are still disc jokeys today but they are usually local not nationwide. The term disc jokey has converted mainly to DJ's, people who spin tracks at parties and events with a mixing board.

  5. The mormons left Nauvoo in Feb. 1846 after a mob killed the starter of the Later-Day Church named Joseph Smith. They first went to Nebraska for temporary community but since they left behind land and possessions they did not have any money so they asked the government for help and at the time they were declaring war on mexico so they requited women men and children. Getting and the explorations helped the Mormons get established in Utah. Between 1847 and 1869 the Transcontinental Railroad was built and about 70,000 Mormons migrated to Utah on the Mormon Trail.

  6. how much value do handmade mannequins fetch?

    As I have searched all different ways to ask this question I have come back rather slim for answers. I cannot find the price of Vans mannequins but I do know there is a muesem called Van Calvin Manikin Muesem that has her mannequins on display. Normal people who create their own mannequins are selling them for 50-100$. I cannot find anyone quite like Van in my research. She was one of a kind.

  7. When, where and why did Jive talk originate? Jive is also known as "Harlem Jive" because it started in Harlem and was eventually adopted in the US in the 1940's. It was created to use code talk for things such as calling marijuana "T" or "Tea".

  8. AIDS- Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.
    As of January 1, 2000, 774,467 persons had been reported with AIDS in the United States; 448,060 of these had died. Of these, 79% were men, 61% were black or Hispanic.
    After undergoing a diagnosis of your complete blood picture and other analysis patients were advised to take a fistful of pills two or three times daily with food and water restrictions which costs a lot of money. Soon after, side effects begin to appear such as change in body shape and appearance of fat, they discontinued those drugs and conducted clinical trials for other drugs.

  9. Question: if mormans are known as rule-fallowing, then who are the rule breakers: The bad boys and bad girls of the faith

    Well some examples of rule breakers can be people like gary Bishop who was charged with Murder on multiple occasions till death in 1988. another example is Jason Brown who was charged with armed robbery, Murder, and flight from prosecution. shooting the victim 5 times. though maybe the most well known example is Butch Cassidy Infamous for the heists that he helped pull off in the old west such as train heists etc oddly enough he had done some nice deeds such as when a farm was being forclosed helping pay it off so it wasent (wonder where the money came from... not).

  10. 3) What were the segregation laws in Texas and how do they compare to other states?

    Racial segregation is defined as "the practice of restricting people to certain circumscribed areas of residence or to separate institutions (e.g., schools, churches) and facilities (parks, playgrounds, restaurants, restrooms) on the basis of race or alleged race.

    Texas segregation laws included:

    1919 - African-Americans were to use separate
    branches of county free libraries.

    1922 - African-Americans were not allowed to vote. This was repealed in 1927

    1925 - Racially segregated schools. "As a result of the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, the Mansfield school district was ordered to desegregate by Texas federal judge Joe Estes. It became the first Texas school district affected by the Brown ruling."

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 repealed all of the mentioned above, (discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin)

    One of the more harsh laws was: "A penalty for interracial marriage and interracial sex is imprisonment for up to five years." This law was renewed in 1925 and again in 1951.


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